
Packaging and Shipping requirements for RadSafe
Instruments (Continued)

the material, with individual value over $25., which was not returned to
the U.S. AEC and giving its location. This report should be brief and
perhaps in a form similar to Table I,
This will include material used by Commander Andrews in the close-out
of his work. Your report, or at least a copy thereof, should be sent to
the undersigned.

Adrian H, Dahl,
Chief, Instrument Branch,
Division of Production,

U. S. Atomic Energy Cammission.

cc: Walter J. Williams, U.S. AEC, ‘Washington, D.C.
B. M. Finuff, U.S, AEC, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
Major UM, Dauer, TG 7.1

H. S. Allen, U.S. AEC, TG 7,1
Adrian H. Dahl (2) TG 7.6.4

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