Hostile Action Alert Plan

provide the vessels necessary to transport the combat security force
to threatened areas and will assume control of all boats and landing

craft operated by CTG 7.5 during such an emergency and will provide
ship gunfire support as practicable to assist in preventing enemy
landings. CIG 7.4 will, through the employment of his liaison aircraft section, provide additional transportation, reconnaissance,
maintenance of emergency communications and resupply, as appropriate.
Naval aircraft, by reconnaissance over the ocean areas of the danger
area, will provide timely detection and warning of hostile forces,
deny entry to the danger area of all hostile aircraft and vessels,
and, during the combat phase, provide close air support to the ground
combat security force. The TG 7.2 combat security force will be
augmented and reenforced by available military personnel from TG 7.1,

TG 7.3 and TG 7.4.

Transient vessels and aircraft at ENIWETOK and BIKINI ATOLLS
will be utilized by ATCOM ENIWETOK in the best interest of the defense missions.
Consideration is given to the plan of evacuation of certain key
scientific personnel and designated critical material in the event
of timely and accurate warning under the provisions of a WHITE alert
and the actual evacuation on order of ATCOM ENIWETOK under the provisions of a RED alert. This evacuation will be conducted by boat
and/or aircraft as the situation requires. Total or partial evacuation of the task force from either or both atolls will be on order
of ATCOM ENIWETOK only, and the methods of evacuation will be com
mensurate with the situation at the contemplated time of evacuation.
Preparation for the destruction of scientific and military equipment
to include critical material to preclude capture will be made on the
initial warning of hostile action. Actual destruction will be carried out by order of ATCOM ENIWETOK only.

Enemy Forces
(1) Enemy forces in the event of general hostilities will be

those of the Soviet Union and its eastern European and Asiatic

(2) Indigenous commmist groups in anti-Soviet and neutral coun-

tries will support the Soviet bloc.

(3) The USSR and its satellites have given no indication of relaxing their drive toward world domination and are maintaining an
advanced state of preparedness for war. The Soviet Union will probably not initiate overt warfare so long as other means are successful or unless it seems evident that the U.S. and its allies are becoming so strong as to prevent the further spread of Communism. For
additional details see Annex C.

Friendly Forces.


(1) Defend the U.S. against attack through the Pacific Ocean.
(2) Maintain the security of the U.S. island positions and bases
within the Pacific Command.
(3) Establish and maintain control of essential sea areas and
protect sea and air communications,

Select target paragraph3