Hostile Action A.ert Plan


(4 Establish a convoy system and contrcl and routing of ship-

ping to include providing convoy air and surface escorts and air

defense of convoys.

(5) Coordinate and conduct search and rescue operations, military control of air traffic, ocean weather operations and reccnnaissance within the Pacific Command.

(6. Evacuate or assist in the evacuation of such U.S. Nationals

from areas within or adjacent to the Pacific Command as necessary
cor as directed.

Component commands of CINCPAC will provide forces to ATCOM
ENIWETOK to assist in defense and to maintain security as required.
Missions. In the event of hostile intervention or warning tuereof
during the period the plan is in effect, ATCOM ENIWETOK will:
(1) Mainatin the status of ENIWETOK and BIKINI ATOLLS and their
territorial waters as "closed areas".
(2) Prevent entry into the ENIWETOK-BIKINI danger area of un-

authorized vessels and aircraft within the capability of asasilabie
(3) Deny entry of personnel into ENIWETOK and BIKINI ATOLLS to
those individuals not cleared for entry in accordance with TINCPAC

(4) Provide for general surveillance of ENIWETOK and BIKINI

ATOLLS to prevent unauthorized photography, trespassing and removal
by unauthorized personnel of significant samples from shot areas.

(5) Provide for internal security and passive air defense of

activities and prevent or minimize. subversion or sabotage within
areas of responsibility.
(6) Control electronic emissions and surface lighting, permitting such operations as are essential and do not conflict with minimum active and passive defense measures.

(7) Keep CINCPAC informed of current situation.
(8) Take measures to minimize the effects of attack by all wea-

pons of mass destruction (chemical, biological and radiological).

(9) Postpone or discontinue all activities not essential to the
defense of the area, protection of critical materials and devices
and protection of key scientific personnel,
(10) Be prepared to evacuate or destroy all classified documents

and materials as specified in Security Memorandum No. 6, Hgs, JTF

SEVEN, dated 13 September 1953.

(11) Be prepared to evacuate key scientific personnel.
Tasks For Subordinate Units

The Commander, TG7.1, in the event of a WHITE alert, will:


Select target paragraph3