Washington 25, D. C.

10 November 1953

Annex K to CJTF SEVEN Operation Plan No, 3-53

Definitions: The following alert conditions are for use by the task
force and should not be confused with CINCPAC alert conditions. Reports by ATCOM ENIWETOK to CINCPAC will conform with alert conditions as defined in Annex X and Z to CINCPAC General Emergency Operation Plan No, 11-53, dated 20 June 1953.
WHITE Alert, as employed in this plan, indicates that hostile
action or attack on forward area installations is imminent and will
occur within a period of time specified by ATCOM ENIWETOK.
RED Alert indicates that any one or all of the forward area positions are being subjected to hostile reconnaissance or attack.
Since this plan is designed to comply with CINCPAC General Emer-~
gency Operation Plan No. 11-53, CJIF SEVEN will be referred to as
ATCOM ENIWETOK. In the absence of CJTF SEVEN, while the task force
headquarters is in the forward area, the senior task force officer
present will discharge the responsibilities of ATCOM ENIWETOK.
General Concept
In the event of an outbreak of general war during the on-site
operational phase, the task force will continue toward the execution
of its mission within the capability of the forces remaining available unless instructions to the contrary are received from the AEC
and DOD. The purpose of this hostile acticn alert plan is to insure
that Operation CASTLE will be conducted with a minimum threat from
direct hostile interference or threat of capture by enemy of its
critical supplies, material and key scientific personnel. This plan
establishes those measures best suited to the defense of the BIKINIENIWETOK area and will become effective upon commencement of the
operational phase. The premise upon which this plan is based is
that any actual attack by an enemy would, in all probability, occur
when the entire task force has been established in the forward area.
The objective would then more appropriately warrant and reward the

risk involved. Short of such an actual attack, hostile action would
in all likelihood be limited to missions of reconnaissance nature.
ATCOM ENIWETOK will command and, through his staff, coordinate the
defense when major elements of the task force are involved.
The task force will be placed on WHITE and RED alerts in accordance with orders initiated by ATCOM ENIWETOK based on information
secured from higher and adjacent commands or from local sources.
When on a WHITE alert status, all task group commanders will prepare
for RED alert conditions to the maximum extent possible in view of
their primary tasks and missions. ATCOM ENIWETOK will suspend or
modify existing security regulations regarding entry to islands
north of ENIWETOK as required under the RED alert,
The ground defense of the atolls is at all times a function of

CTG 7.2.

The existence of his trained, organized and equipped

combat security force gives him a small but highly mobile striking
force capable of rapid movement by vessel and/or aircraft to any
threatened island in either of the atoll areas. CTG 7.3 will

Select target paragraph3