There is evidence of much ordinance remaining from World War II
bombardment of the island.

The next stop was at the PACE (Pacific Cratering
Experiments Site). There is printed material


available that describes the progran in detail

so I will discuss only those elements which

appear to be of immediate importance.

1. There will be 23 "shots" to be undertaken
. during the months of August, September,
November and December.
The material detonated will be TNT
and not nuclear in nature.

3. The size of the shots will vary from
1000 ibs to 100 tons of TINT.


The resulting craters will vary in size

from 20' to 300' in diameter.

5. The locations of the blasts will be
confined to the three locations as shown
on the accompanying drawing.


est Area "BR"

6. Area "A" which encompasses an area of 19.2 acres, is being cleared
of overburden down to coral or about equal to high tide. The average
amount of overburden being removed is 6' - 6" of‘topsoil and the
remainder sand.
7. It is up to the people of Ujelang as to how the land is to be
rehabilitated. One of the three following procedures was suggested.

Return to normal state.
Develop harbor in largest crater.
The University of Hawaii and Guam would like to develop
fish farms in some craters.

There is a thirteen hundred foot airstrip that is used by light
There:are two large bunkers that can be utilized for typhoon shelters.
One of the representatives from Ujelang stated that he would like to
see the craters after the explosions before any decisions are made.


Select target paragraph3