

ts how referred to a» Bogeirik has thanged to such a degree that some of

the tepresentatives from Ujelang questioned whether or not it was the

baie teilanhd or was & new island resulting from the blasts. The
secondary growth oh the island had teturned as had the bird life.


troij hoted that the islands had previously been set aside as bird
Banctuaries ahd that he Was pleased that so many birds had retumed.

One of the representatives caught a bird which was duly killed and
plucked on the return trip to the ship.

The next island that we visited was Engebi. Engebi (Code named Arthur)
has an area of .343 sq. miles and had been the location of an important
Japanese fighter strip during W.W. II.
The island had received extremely heavy
naval and aerial bombardment during the
Pacific offensive in 1944, We were requested not to cross into the area to the
north of the airstrip since NASA had
launched a Beryllium (Glucinum) rocket

from the launch site located there.

were told that Beryllium is a highly


toxic metal and that the area had not
yet been "cleaned" but would be before


the island could again become inhabited.
There is no radioactivity in the area
resulting frem the rocket launch.

There is a large three story structure located on the island which is
referred to as the "apartment". The building consists of several units
which are contiguous to but not structurally connected to one another.
Each section utilizes different structural designs and materials.
example, one section is built of reinforced concrete and faced with
metal siding attached to furring strips while the adjacent unit is
constructed on large steel columns. The purpose of the structure
apparently was to test the effects of a
nuclear air burst upon different types
of structures. The unit which sustained
the most obvious damage was the unit

having a concrete second and third

stories supported upon reinforced
concrete columns. The columns failed
and the unit is now a two story structuré which has a 12' setback from the
original building line.



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