
observed that this was a disappointingly late completion date. ‘Dr, Rabi|
sald that both the design and schedule were conservative , and explained

the magnitude of the development problem.

He mentioned that although

the nominal design perfqrmance was for 25 bev at 10,000 gauss, it was
hoped ultimately to achieve 35 bev, at 15,000 gauss.




Mr, Waitma’ remarked that the proposal seemed to fit, the previous

position of the Committee.

Dr. Johnson said that it was intendedbo1 do a


As an item of information, Dr, Johnson mentionedthat the Berkeley Oy
group hopes to get a beam in the bevatron by Christmas 4153.



The matter of another ultra high energy accelerator at a second
site was briefly considered,

Dr. Johnson indicated that the way the

cooperation in the midwest group was working out had been unsatisfactory,
and that their proposal had been rejected,

One of theprincipal aif-

ficulties was in the selection of a site; for many reasons, the machine
should be at ANL.
agree on this.
idea, either.

However the interested universities had failed to |

Dr. Libby said that ANL had not been receptive to this
It was unfortunate that ANL and the universities had not

yet been able to get together.
Dr. Rabi asked Dr. Johnsonabout university contract policy.Dr.

Johnson said that a new policy was in effect, established ‘by Commission


action early in September.


The policy gets away from the 8% overhead

figure, recognizes the full costs of research, and provides for paynient

of a lump sum toward the total cost.
At 3:50 p.m, this part of the session was concluded,


Select target paragraph3