-26technical judgment’ that something practical i
4 s Likely to emerge.- Sucha
development, e.g. bhe abundant production of neutrons and of tritiumas of

well as power, would certainly fall under high clessifidation, Hence it!
‘is Lllogical not to élabsity the project.

He mentioned that a.‘group ab.

Cambridge would Like to work in the field if it were declassified, me
Fisk proposed, for discussion, that there was much to gain by having
the subject unclassified until something emerged which promised to pay


off.. Dri Buckley expressed a similar view. (To classify it at present
would be like classifying space ships,) - Dr, Wigner observed that it is”

easy to keep the cat from coming out of the bag if there is no cat,


yon Neumann suggested that the subject could be kept under wraps to about -

the same extent that reactor technology is.

Dr. Libby suggested that an

opinion: be obtained from the Senior Responsible Reviewers.

Dr, Johnson,

indicated that he intended to recommend Secret classification, without

Dr. Fisk suggested that basio ‘pesearch in “theee

field be declassified liberally as it appears.
Dr, Rabi inquired as to the meaning of item k (proposed scoelerator


program) in Mr, Strauss's pre-meeting letter.

Dr. Johnson indicated that |

it referred to the proposed action to construct an ultra high energy
strong focussing machine at Brookhaven, and that the intent was to check

on whether the recommendations of the starf paper on this subject were in
accord with the GAC!s thinking.

The staff paper stated that need exists

for the construction of a 25 bev accelerator at BNL, and proposed that

$2.5 million be provided for this purpose in FY 54, the balance in FY 55.
The BNL schedule provided for completion of the machine in 1959.

Dr. Libby -

Select target paragraph3