
At 4:00 pam, the Committee met, with Mr. Robert LeBaron.



members of the Committee and the Scoretary were present.


gave an off-the-becord discussion of the situation of the Defense

with Mr.

Mr, LeBaron -

establishment with regard to atomid energy matters, emphasizing the.
effects onn planning of available devices, and the developing stabiliza~
tion of policy.

“At 5:00 (Polls Mr, LeRaron left the meeting, and the Comittee: met
~ Patent

Briefing .


with Mr. Max Isenbergh and Mr. R, A, Anderson for abriefing onpatent


All members of the Committes except Dr. vonNeumann were present.

The Secretary and Mr. Tomei were present,




(Secretary's Note: According to the suggestion of the Chadman :
made on this cecasion, no attempt is made to report here the details of
the presentation and discussion of patent policy. | However, the main |

themes are indicated,)




The two fields in which patents are prohibitedare (1) the,ieee
of fissionable material, and (2) .the utilization of fissionable material”See
for a military weapon,

Since the proposed legislation would permit a

ownership of fissionable material, it is also proposed to allowpatents |
on the production of fissionable material, The prohibition on ‘weapon

patents would be maintained,

In the field of production of fissionable

materials the Commission would have the power to compel Licensing of a
patent, if it found this to be essential and necessary to the public
interest. Information could be turned over by the Commission from‘one
licensee to another.


Sincecompulsory licensing is not well liked, it

would be established on an interim basis.

Five years after the date of

Select target paragraph3