(5) During the first few years of employment staff menbers should co
be on trial.

Persons who turn out to be incompetent for technicaloe]

positions should be considered for administrative positions, © (there



was vigorous dissent on this point.)

(6) The barriers to employment transfer from one site ‘to ‘another Oe
should be removed,

The transient period is over and the ‘normal


-. (9)

- a


The performance of every employee, including the director, _

should be reviewed annually,




- courtesies would be sufficient.





All professional employees should be givenadequate vacations. .
Liaison between the Laboratories should be-fostered, e,Bs by

annual meetings of the directors with the ABC o¢ r GAC, but without
| staff,




(10) Extended leaves, analogous to sabbatical leaves, should be
encouraged, as they are inuniversities.

Time did not permit detailed discussion of these proposals, _ Among Be
the comments were the following,

BNL, with its corporate contractor, is a special case; and its :
visiting committee system maynot be applicable to the other
laboratories (Dr. Rabi).
One can question whether basic research should be done in the
Laboratories--somewhore 3‘you run out of funds (Mr. Murphree).

However, _

the conduct of basic research has a very important favorable effect
on employment, in making the laboratory more attractive (Dr. Fisk, .

Dr, Buckley).

Dr. Rabisaid that: the availability ofonly a finite -

Select target paragraph3