
amount of money isa very important point.

As a BNL trustes he: had

taken the view that the Laboratory should avoidresearchwhichcould
be done: at: umiversities, - Several
members felt that an affirmation
by the AEC of its suppoi't tf basic research‘in:‘the National


Laboratories as needed, and that an affirmationwould suffice,

With regard to joint appointments , there. are limitations

“4dmposed by university slidndirds in precisely the areas in which © ge

those standards are inferior, namelypay scales (Dr. von Neumann)» ”

This, however, was not the point of the suggestion.

The aim was -

largely to provide recognition and préstige (Dr. Fisk).

There are.

many difficultiesand delicate -questions involved in the proposal
(Dr, Wigner).

Dr. Fisk and Dr, Buckley favored a liberal policy.

on the part of the’ AEC with respect to university participation, | :
but aia not wish to make‘a specific proposal for joint appointments, :

‘This discussion was terminated at 11: 00 a, me when Dr. -L. R. mia


Col, N. L. Krisberg, Mr. J. G, Robinson, and Dr. H C, Ott entered to
‘discuss the reactor program,




Dr. Hafstad first. commented on mobile |reactors. :
‘There is a new line of thought with respect to aircraft reactors,
Aireraft: which emphasizes an application that is not feasible with only chemical.:


High speed is needed only for short distancesover the target.

zone; Lower speeds are. allowable for most of the| cruising radius. It is’ .
proposed that a plane be. designed which can cruise> with nuclear propulsion

at low speed, e.g, mach 0,7, then switch to combinednuclear and chemical va
propulsion for a high speed sprint, e.g. at mach By for the last few -—

Select target paragraph3