Dr. Rabi viewed these possible gains as)
enormously important, and suggested a GAC recommendation to the Commission
that increased attention be given to the improvement of chemical high


(Appendix B, item 1)

‘At 10:00 asm, there was a practice air raid alarm.

The Oommittee

reconvened at 10:20 a.m.

The Chairman called on Dr, Libby for a report from the Research
Research Subcommittee, which had met the previous evening. Dr, Libby presented the
Subcomnittee Recomfollowing suggestions for increasing the longevity of the Commissions!
on AEC
laboratories and improving them as research organizations.
Lab Policy


The AEC can afford and should provide more facilities for

transient housing at its laboratories.
pation by university people.

felt at Argonne.

This would catalyze partici-

The lack of such housing is sorely



The AEC should clearly state that it favors and intends to

support basic’ research in the National Laboratories.




The BNL practice of having visiting committees visit the

Laboratory and report on the research being done is a practice that
should be encouraged in all of the Laboratories,


Ties with the universities should be strengthened, @,g. through .

joint appointments held by the senior staff.

There is little of this

at ANL or BNL, although quite a bit at Berkeley.


Select target paragraph3