
<isperse solids.

Treal volume L2 tealur2ed 2-i 2 200 ml alicnon is then

drawn for gamma analysis.

Gamma spectroscopy is performed with a 125 ce active

volume, 26% relative efficiency Ge(Li) detector which is connected to a computer
based multi-channel analyzer.

Samples were counted from 4000 to 10000 seconds

depending on the activity in the sample.

When gamma analysis was completed, the

aliquot was returned to the initial sample and the tocal volume was analyzed for
90... _ 90.

The sample is acidified to a pH of 1, stable strontium and yttrium
carrier along with 89 5. tracer are added to the sample.

The sample is chemi-

cally processed according to the procedure reported in Appendix A.

The final

processing step results in a 904 precipitate which is used to determine the 905,
urine activity concentration.

Sampie results are corrected for chemical yield

and radiological decay of 90, post separation from 905,

Because of the dura-

tion between sample collection and sample analysis (in excess of two months) 90,






Sr are in secular equilibrium at time of sample analysis.
13765 and 905, urine activity concentrations for all pooled sam-

ples are reported in Table l.


Cs and


“Sr urine activity concentrations and

the 905, body burden at time of removal are reported in Tables 2 through 5 for

Bixini Atoll residents sampled detween 1973 and 1980.

The 705, data were used

to calculate the bone marrow dose-equivalent commitment.

Five day urine samples were also collected from 1974 to 1978.
These samples were analyzed by Battelle Northwest Laboratory (BNWL), Environmental Monitoring Laboratory (EML) and Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL) for
fission products and transuranic nuclides.

The results are presented in Table

All transuranic analyses were carried out by alpha spectroscopy.

mum detectable limit was 3.7 x 10° Bq for all analysis systems.

The mini-

Select target paragraph3