
Ti -ttom sveduets and irinsuvanic elements was conducted under cont



Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories (3NWL) and Environmental Measurements

Laboratory (EML).

Analytical procedures for processing and analysis are similar

and can be found in OL 81.
Urine data collected after 1977 were processed by the SEP Division.
Sample collection and analysis procedures used by this division are outlined


Urine Collection Protocol
Twenty-four hour and five day urine samples were collected from

Bixini Atoll residents.

Twenty-four hour samples were used to define fission

product body burdens while the five day urine samples were used both to determine fission products and transuranic body burdens.

The normal procedure was to

distribute the urine coliection bottles just after the individual received a
whole-body count.

Individuals were informed to collect all urine excreta in the

sottle for the specified collection period.

Sample containers were collected

after the selected sample period had elapsed.
Once collected, acidification procedures were followed to inhibit
diological degradation of the sample.

From 1977 to i978, urine bottles were

precreated with 15 ml of a 10% thymol-alconoi solution.

10 ml of HNO. was added.

After urine collection,

This procedure was halted because of skin discomfort

caused Dy thymol contamination during urine collection.

In 1979 and 1980,


af doric acid was added to each one liter urine bottle after sample collection.
Both acidification techniques minimize sample degradation.

After acidification,

samples were packaged and shipped to BNL for analysis.
Twenty-four hour urine samples are analyzed for gamma emitting nu-


clides and






Samples are first placed in an ultrasonic cleaner to loosen

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