
Property of the White House—Feor Authorized Persons Only

The fundamental problem in establishing radiation protection
guides is to allow as much of the beneficial uses of ionizing radiation
as possible while assuring that man is not exposed to undue hazard,
To get a true insight into the scope of the problem and the impact
of the decisions involved, a review of the benefits and the hazards

is necessary.
It is important in considering both the benefits and hazards o!
radiation to appreciate that man has existed throughout his history
in a bath of natural radiation.

This background radiation, which

varies over the earth, provides a partial basis for understanding

the effects of radiation on man and serves as an indicator of the
ranges of radiation exposures within which the human population has
developed and increased.
The Benefits of Ionizing Radiation
Radiation properly controlled is a boon to mankind,

It has

been of inestimable value in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases,
It can provide sources of energy greater than any the world has yet
had available.

In industry, it is used as a tool to measure thicknesg@,

quantity or quality, to discover hidden flaws, to trace liquid flow, ar id

for other purposes,

So many research uses for ionizing radiation hi ive

been found that scientists in many diverse fields now rank radiation
with the microscope in value as a working tool.

The Hazards of I6nizing Radiation
Ionizing radiation involves health hazards just as do many other
useful tools.

Scientific findings concerning the biological effects of

radiation of most immediate interest to the establishment of radiatiq nm

protection standards are the following:

Acute desee of radiation may produce immediate or delayed
effects, or both,

For Consideration

Select target paragraph3