
Property of the White House—For Authorized Persons Only

25 rems (units of radiation dose), immediately observabl


As acute whole body doses increase above approximately

effects increase in severity with dose, beginning from
barely detectable changes, to biological signs clearly indicating damage, to death at levels of a few hundred rema@,
Delayed effects produced either by acute irradiation or by

chronic irradiation are similar in kind, but the ability of
the body to repair radiation damage is usually more effective
in the case of chronic than acute irradiation,

The delayed effects from radiation are in general indistinguishable from familiar pathological conditions usually
present in the population.
Delayed effects include genetic effects (effects transmitter to
succeeding generations), increased incidence of tumors,


span shortening, and growth and development changes.
The child, the infant, and the unborn infant appear to be more
sensitive to radiation than the adult.

The various organs of the body differ in their sensitivity fo


Although ionizing radiation can induce genetic and somati



effects (effects on the individual during his lifetime other
than genetic effects), the evidence at the present time is

insufficient to justify precise conclusions on the nature of
the dose-effect relationship at low doses anddose rates,
Moreover, the evidence is insufficient to prove either th¢
hypothesis of a "damage threshold" (a point below which fo
damage occurs) or the hypothesis of "no threshold" in man
at low doses,

For Consideration

Select target paragraph3