Property of the White House—For Authorized Persons Only COPY NO

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CP 60 ~ | 09
May 11, 1960
SUBJECT: Radiation Protection Guidance for Federal Agencies

Pursuant to Executive Order 10831 and P, L. 86-373, the Fe deral
Radiation Council has made a study of the hazards and use of radiati DTle

We herewith transmit our first report to you concerning our findingd
and our recommendations for the guidance of Federal agencies in ths
conduct of their radiation protection activities,
It is the statutory responsibility of the Council to ",, adviselthe
President with respect to radiation matters, directly or indirectly 7
affecting health, including guidance for all Federal agencies in the
formulation of radiation standards and in the establishment and


execution of programs of cooperation with States..."
Fundamentally, setting basic radiation protection standards
involves passing judgment on the extent of the possible health hazard
society is willing to accept in order to realize the known benefits of

It involves inevitably a balancing between total health

protection, which might require foregoing any activities increasing
exposure to radiation, and the vigorous promotion of the use of
radiation and atomic energy in order to achieve optimum benefits.
The Federal Radiation Council has reviewed available knowlpe dge
on radiation effects and consulted with scientists within and outside
the Government,

Each member has also examined the guidance

recommended in this memorandum in light of his statutory respons|bilities.

Although the guidance does not cover all phases of radiatjon

protection, such as internal emitters, we find that the guidance whic h
we recommend that you provide for the use of Federal agencies gives
appropriate consideration to the requirements of health protection

and the beneficial uses of radiation and atomic energy.
findings and recommendations follow,

For Consideration

Our furthqr

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