



N2 640



Base as established by this survey.

Also, the azimuth of the line North Base-Sand

was accepted.

The JOINT TASK FORCE SEVEN SURVEY made in 1947-48 and covering the eastern
Reproduced from the -holdings of the National Archives
Pacifiq[op Southw est Region

portion of the lagoon from Aniyaanii to Engebi, consisted of a limited scheme with
stations on Engebi, Aoman, Runit and Aniyaanii and station Coral in the lagoon.
The scheme was stated to be of first order accuracy and first order procedure

was used.

However, the base expansion figure was not consistant with specifications

f the U.S. Coast an* Geodetic Survey and it was’ only because of the limited extent

of the scheme that it could be considered of a high order of accuracy.

Of the seven stations included in this survey, station Graflex on Aoman Island
ad been destroyed and the station on Aniyaanii was of little value in expanding
he scheme,

To establish a new station on Aoman for the present survey required

reoccupying three of the five remaining stations.

It thus was apparent that the

expanded requirements of the present survey involved re-establishment of a complete
triargulation network,
Station South Base of the U.S.S. Bowditch Survey was not recovered anc 4 new

station "Runit" was established at the south end of the island,

The line North

Base-Runit became the base line of this survey,
The geographical position of station North Base and the azimuth of the line
North Base-Sand as established by the 0.8.5. Bowditch Survey were eccepted and
became the origin of positicn and azimuth, ‘Although the original azimuth observations were made from station North Base to station South Base an examination of
the corrections obtained for the angle in the U.S.S. Bowditch trizngulations showed
that but Little accuracy would be lost by accepting the azimuth of the Jine from
station North Base to station Sand us the basis of azimuths for the survey.


fore it was considered that reobservation for azimuth was not justified.
The line North Base-Runit was measured to first order accuracy and the azimth
of the line was computed from its relation to the line N. Base-Sand.

The computations involved in establishing the azimuth of this new base line
have been checked and are included here for reference purposes.

Select target paragraph3