NE 640


A scheme of second order triangulation composed of check figures was executed

from a second order base line on Runit Island,

The scheme extends northward to

Reproduced from the holdings of the National Archives
Pacific Southw est Regio nt

Bogallua Island and southward to Eniwetok Island.

The survey was for the purpose

of coordinating local surveys on project islends end to establish distances and

azimuths between certain installations.
Standard procedure and srecifications of the 0.5. Coast and Geodetic Survey

for second order triangulation was the criteria for this survey.

The geometry

f the scheme was checked by the Los Angeles Office of that organization before

‘field work started and the results of observing the scheme were checked as to
procedure in January of this year.
The scheme was so executed that it can be expanded to irclude the complete
toll and where possible the permanency of station locations was considered.

station markers on project islands were referenced.


Referencing of the two stations

in the lagoon and on the send spits south of Runit Were not pratical,
Two previous surveys have been made of the eastern portions of the atoll.


stated in the reconnaissance report of January 7, 1949 these surveys were not

readily adapted to the requirements of this project and were necessartly reoccupied
to expand the present scheme.
The U.S.S. BOWDITCH SURVEY made in 1944 was of third order accuracy and covered
the eastern rortion of the atoll from Igurin to Bogumbogo.
was hydrographic charts of the atoll,

The apparent purpose

It included a base line on Runit Island and

control points on eleven other islands, also a station in the lagoon in the vic~
inity of the existing station, Coral.

The geographical position of station Korth

Base on Runit Island and the azimuth of the base line between st:tions North Base
and South Base were determined by astronomical observations,

As most of the sta-

tions on this survey were not on project islands ane the reoceupation of its stations would have been necessary in any case for system expansion the values found
in th e U.S.5. Bowditch Survey were not incorporated into the present survey, except
that the Joint Task Force Seven Survey determination of the latitude and longitude
of station Runit was based on the original geographical position of stetion North

Select target paragraph3