jammma Soectroscoov
Once dried, soil samples were alaced in a alasctic petri dish and counted
on either a Nal(Tl) or Ge(Li) decector.

Vegetation, water arf animal samples

were placed in an aluminum tuna can and counced.
onds for most samples.
can geometry,

Councing cime was 4000 sec-

Boch systems were originally calibrated for the suna

Corraction factors were developed to normalize all petri dish

resulcs to che standard tuna can counting geometry.

All counting standards

are traceaole to N3S sources.
Samples counced prior to the middle of 1976 were counted on the NaI (Tl)

Samples counted after these dares were counted on the Ge(Li) system.

This accouncs for the capability co identify the presence of radionuclides such
as Ame241,°Sb-125, 3aLa-140 and Ce-144 in samoles where previously only Co-60,
C3-137 and K-40 were sositively identified.
Oualisvy Conerol
BNL operates its own QC program consisting of blind duplicarces.

3NL also

particioates in interlaboratory comparisons with HASL, the University of Washingcon and the LAEA.

Results from our program are Listed in Table 17.

The firse pare of thfS table illustrates all the daca from che 3NL 5liad
duplicate srudies,

These data appear to be in reasonable agreement with each

The second section presents dara from a split sample project with she

Health and Safety Laboratory (HASL)

in New York.

These results compare less

favorably, bute ere also in most cases, in reasonadle agreement.

Discussion of Resules
Reported results of the analyses performed on the Marshall Island samples are
aresented in Tables 2 through 9 with associated 2-sigma error.
been divided into two sections:

resulesof gamma spectral anaivses and 90, plus

transuranic elements by radiochemistr~.




The cables have


Tables 2 TArough 5 present





Select target paragraph3