and animals, while values for 90sr and che decectadle eransuranic elemencs for
the same samples are reported in Taples 6 threugh 8.

The daca have been ordered

so that lixe samples from che same island are reported together.

The resulcs

are not arranged bv date of sample collectioa.
Ta general,

there is a wide range of resules for each radionuclide within

a given sample type.

The variarion is due to spatial differences in sample

sire selection and to biological variabilicy berween individual organisms samsled.

Because the exace sampling sites varied from year to year, there is no

correlation between radionuclide cancearracion and date cf sampling.

The rasulss

in this report provide an aereal evaluacion ef the islands surveyed.

For 3ikini

island, vegetation resules indicate a radionuclide concencracion diserisucion
similar to thac reperted by Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in their survey reports

Soil srofile samples confirm the erracic nature of the radionuclide concen-

crations in soil ace the Bikini Atoll.

Figures i through 14 previde a depch oro-

file for the soil samples taken at Bikini, Nam and Eneu Islands,

Soil take from

pics F, 3, J and K ae Sikiat, stations W-1 and wWw=2 at Nam and stacions 2 and 7 ar
Zneu indicate some degree of mechanical turnover in che soil (tilling, plowing,
ouilding, etc.) as indieaced by the nonexponenrcial discribucion of activicy

withia che soil, differences in the depch profile and depch of saximum concen<tacion.

Normally, the top layers contain the greates= amounc of radioactivity

jue to inietal deposition, otherwise, the strata containing maximum organic matier
tend to be the mosc significant sources.
Soil collected at pits B, G, L and M at Bikini, station #2 at Nam and pit

tl ac Eneu display characteristics of typical radionuclide distribution in soil.

Select target paragraph3