Sampie Presaration and Analvsis

Soil samples were dried ac LLO°C fsr a period of 1-2 days.

The dried

material vas then pulverized in a ball mill for aporoximate!y 2% davs, and
then sieved through an $0 mesh screen.

che sieve was used for analysis.

The material which sassed through

An aliquoc was sackaged in an aluminum

can and analyzed for gamma emitters by Ge(Li) or NaI (Tl) gamma speccromecry.

Pluconium and 205 2/90y analyses were performed on aliquots of sul-

verized soil asned at 900°C for 12 hours.

The ash was dissolved in HNC 3

and the solution evaporated to near dryness (several times,

produce a elear solution).

if necessary, to

The residue was redissolve in HNO3 and this solucicn

for the radiochemical isolation of 5 and Sr.

Vegetation was first weighed, dried at 110°C for 1-3 davs
sample size and type).

(depending on

The dried macerial was weighed and sulverized in a

After che sample was reduced to a powder, aliquots were packaged

for gamma pulse-heighe analysis.

analysis were dry ashed at 485°C,

Vegeracion samples destined for radiochemical

The temperature of che oven was raised slowly

over a three day seriod to 485°C in order co prevene burning of the sample.
The ash was dissolved in HNO, and evaporated to dryness.
solved in HNO3 and puc aside for Pu and Sr analyses.

The residue was redis-

2luconium was separaced

from an acid solucion of the sample by ewo ion exchange separation srocedures

followed by electrodeposition on stainless steel discs.

The Pu isotopes are

determined by alpha pulse-neight analysis and recoveries measured by che use of

24224 tracer added to the samples prior to analysis.
Stronctium-90 content was determined by diechylhexyl phosphoric acid ex-

traction of 90Y from an acid solution of the samples.

The 90Y was seripped

fzrom the organic phase, separated as the oxalate and counted in a low Sacks round
beta counter.

Yields are decermined gravimetrically shrough che use of ytrriun

carrier added at the start of the analysis.

Select target paragraph3