Ronzelas Acoli
Mose of the seoole Living on Rongelap Island nave been there since their
Teturn ¢nree vears after che 32AV0 incident.

They have well established

dietary patterns based on availadilicy of various vegetation.

The monitoring

program for Rongelap acteepes co reflect the main constituents of she Rongelao

as such,

samples were collected from areas where the local inhabitants

collected their food.
The three islands of inizial incerese in Rongelap Atoll were Rengelap,

Kabelle and Eniaitok.

Samples of Scaveola leaves were taken from all three islands.

Other samples at Enfaitok include breadfruit, pandanus and Messerschmidia leaves.
On Rongelap Island, samples consisted of parroe fish, pandanus, Gueccarda,
breadfruit, arrowroot and coconuts.

Soil samples in the form of snallow cores and

vertical profiles were also collected,
Ueiréix Aroll
Previous studies have concluded that Ucirik Atoll has received the least
amount of radioactive contamination following the 3RAVO incident
The 3NL monitoring program reflected the results of these studies.

(4, 2, 5)

Utirik Island was the only location within che acoll where the food chain was

Samples collected ac Utirik consisted of pandanus, breadfruit, artow-

roet, coconut, copra and messerschmidia leaves.

Kwajalein and Wocho Atolls
Kwajalein and Wocho Atolls were noc involved with close-in radioactive
fallout as were other atolls of she Marshall [slands.

from these atolls served as controls.

Consequently, samples

Soil, pandanus, coconut, breadfruit and

coconut crabs were collected from Wotho and Xwajalein for purposes of compartgon with similar samples collected at 3ikini, Rongelap and Ucirik Atolls.

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