This reports concentrates on the resules of the environmental monitorin

The external dose measurements with the use of ion chamber and

field gamma specettoscooy will be reported separarely as will dose commicamenc
estimates via various ineernal exposure pachways.
Bikini Acoil

Environmental surveillance of Bikini Acoll was achieved by sampiing vegetation, soil,

fish, cacchmene water and sediment.

Eneu Island was surveyed

for external radiation and sampled for marine fauna, soil and vegetation consisting of Scaveola leaves, Messerschmidia leaves , coconuts and pandanus.


nad previously been idencified as a potential village island, since it received

che lease amount of radioactive falloue during the atomic bemo testing.


has also been suggested as the main source of food produccion for shese indivi-

duals living on 3ixini Island


Consequentiy, thorough sampling of this

island was essential to establish radionuclide quantities wishin

the food


The island of Nam was considered to be heavily contaminated because of its
stoximizy co the 1954 3RAVO evenc.

Eavirommencal monitoring to dare on this

island includes samples of muilee and snapper fish, six inch soil cores and soil
oroftiles, scaveola and nesserschmidia leaves.

Several food {rems grown on Bikini Island have been suggested for exclusion
from che local diet


Samples of coconuts, pandanus, breadfruic,

atrowroot, scaveola leaves, messerschmaidia leaves, sumpkins, squash, bananas
and papaya, soil samoles in the form of 15 cm cores ard 0-100 cm soil profiles,

mackerel (fish) and cridacna (clams), plus caechment sediment and wacer have Seen
collected in an effort co decermine cheir radiological impacts as local marine and

food items.

Select target paragraph3