E? racli&?tiGn-related disease tcr the the medical program to address This restriction has made little exclusion af other problemsthere is nc “marker” for a radiation-related sense in that to physicians who prefer disaase. It also has made little sense medical care in = not to he handicapped with limits on their It has made !-a population where medical care is already ]imitfsd. sense in that not all is known about l’”adiaticn-induc ed disease’. Confar-ming tcr public law limitations has bee}] carried out by on anyone’s part to restrict nec=ssit~ but not by a willingness C~i-~. With! the Compact medical this restriction can now be which is remo\4ed : tnere is no limitation of care to the exposed expressedly radiation-related . Despite public law restrictior,s has been permitted to evolve P=STS the B~Gckhaven program in the !2Ut internally interpretation of what may a liberal, cnnsistentq be considered radiation-related. Since what is goGd medical EO applies just as well practice far racii~+til~l~-relatab le disease general medizirle, thfe new definition of the medical program commi t,Mei-lt5u~id=r the Compact greatly the coi~t~nt wi 11 not change Df the present prografim except That area is the in one area. r_2fe,-i-al , outsic!e the Republic of the [“larsi~all Islands? of ,meaica] p-ablems in the exposed witho$ut consideration of a p.35sible radiation etiology. T1-,ereforeS furtding for referralz hill incre=ss significantly; the decision as to whether to ref=r refer becomes, howe;ei-, a streiqht-forward and 37 tG rIOt nor!cGntentiatis one. It is important that funding for referrals and fundir,q for medical program ctperations remain separate budget iteoms. This will obviate competition between the two components during tha fiscal year. Glthouqh the requirement that the Department of Energy corltinue to lmaintain a radio logic health care program was deleted wording of the Compact, in the final statements in other parts af the document and in communications from the Marshall Islands government indicate a preference that the present program cantinue. It is not stated, however> that the present program is acceptable to the exposed, a feature which would seem to be particularly relevant. were Even if continuation uf the program the choics Gf the exposed? if not probable, that it is possible? the choic= Aas made because of the lack of reasonable .aite~”’nati..ss. On= should not ccnclude, tf%erefore, that the present pi-cgr=rn, while acceptable? is good enough? and an the scop.e of the program is planned. eyitensicil! cf The core of the program will ccntinue to be directed at radiakiDn-relatGb le disease, h:=wever, and the exter,ded sccrpe of the p~””oqram will nut include unrealistic ventures which wotild be irresponsible in the use af the llmited fur)ds allocated to the p]-05i-am. But certain srzas of rn=dicine which ‘may improve the health of the exposed will bE ci~.ie:aped mare fully. Examples include greater attention .. . . ,