3 to diseases of aging? prev.snt.i~= medicine? and oth=r items tG ~+ These ite!ms will be addressed in the field ac discussed belGw. the tine of the medical missions, primarily during the annual examinations. will not be changed. The format of the annual exarrlinations Pelia]lce on suhspecialists, primarily university-based, will Laboratory, quarantee a coi-ltil>uall”y updated pi-oqrami. rsdiagrsphic ~ and other diagnostic techniques will be maintain!=: snii’upc!ated as nc-ces~.sry., To Gpti,mize the accessibility to tf-,e coxDosed per SOnS Of the sizeable of th= medical teams at the time annual examination=, there must be continued dependence on the Gf the Transportation Liktanur III or an equivalent vessel. exposed pers~ns to !“lajuro for examination is, for the time belr~z. an unsatisfactory alternati’~e; it is clisruptive of.island lifestyle, an inconvenience to the eld=rly’ and disabled> and art unr,ecesssry shift af part of the responsibility to provide to the bei~eficiaries := accessible medical care fT”o,Tlche ~i-cgi-am the program. 14hile the arInual examiriation mlssiort will not decrease irt size, other aspects of the pri,mary care effcrt of the present lmedical proc~ra,m will k,e trimmed. It is not the purpase af the BNL prGcjram to duplicate efforts of other health care programs. Tkle purpose isl instead, to prcvide uptimal care to the expOSeC circumstances permit. The program will ~ as a consequence> as complement existing efforts i!z the field to the extent that t~:rie permits ciuriing the medical missluns ev=n though primary care is The Ebeye unit is soon to be closed: the followup curtailed. mission usually carried out in October is now discontinued because greater effort is to be made to reach all potential annual examination mission; examinees at the time of Ithe large only a limited pharmacy need now be maintained because of the closing of the Ebeye unit and the institution of the Fcur Atoll H=alth Care Program ~4Gi-lCP). Rttempts will be made to adhere tc the -formulary of the 4RHCP, although some changes and addition= ir~ the pharmacy will be necessary to accommodate 13NL consultants and special medical problems of the exposed. The pharmacy will be maintained at BNL between medical missions. The arrival of a well–equipped medical team to the outer fGi- huma:~itarian pru’vision of islands @rGvides an opportunit’i heslth czre to populations with very limited medicai facilities. In recent yssrs, medical consulta~!ts on the missio:~s have been able to provide care without The knowledge of expcsu:-’e status. SNL program vjill continue to offer the same examinations and diagnostic and therapeutic options to all inhabitants on island Gt the time of the visits to f?uligelap (Mej=to) i>l)dUtirlk. The CITIPdifference between expGsed and unexposed is that onl’~ the ?-GrmEr will be eligible fpr direct referral outside the Marshall T:e Is:ands> and the costs will be borne by the medical -program. .,,