hm au! BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL UWORATORY ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. 1 Upton,Long Island, New York11973 (516)282\ FTS 666/ Medical Department 1 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EXPOSED PCUWLGTIONS .— William H. Adams, March 6, 1986 PI MEDICAL PROGRAM TO C~RE CIF RONGELAP GND IJTIRIK — .— FOR THE RflDIATION- M.D. With the passage of the Compact of Fr=e Aszociationz the radiolcigic health care program identiefi under Section (~may now be implemented. tJnder this program an aqenc;~ will be identified which will “continue to provide special medical care and 174 members Gf the logistical support thereto for the remaining population nf Rongelap and L!trik who were exposed to radiation.. . .“. The Brookhaven National Laboratory (BIUL) medical providing medical program has beein care to the exposed population for 32 yFs2i-S. It has on file the extensive medical records obtained during this period, and its physicians and suppart staff have an acquaintance with the health p:-GblemS of the expc)sed group which is both comprehensive and yet specialized in terms of radiation exposure. It ,has at hand noted authorities in radiation medicine and radiation physics;; “ many of these inVOIVed .Lyith the Flarshall Islands medical ir,dividuals have been program first-hand. The per-sonal ccntact which has existed over many years has permitted a relationship to evolve which? while haVing had its ups and downs> pi-ovides a familiarity with exposed individual= and their familiss which can in many ways be consider~d a “doctor-patient” relationship. The principal assumption on which the following PlatI rests) of course> is that the established Brookhaven program will be permitted to continue. For at least the past five year-s, planning for the medical program has, for practical purposes, been one year at a time. There has been i-toguarantee c]f a long-term program despite tha repeated b~ut necessary efforts expended to plan for one. With the Compac t agreement an I 1 fear program can now be funded. It is the firzt 5 y.sar-s of such a prcg~am which this Plan addresses. In yt2di-5 misunderstavld past, a continuing source c)f confusion and ing has beer! the ]require,merit. ur.der public law~ -. for