November 1, 1952

The first thermonuclear device, code
named "Mike," detonated by the
Commission at Enewetak, during

Operation Ivy. The device exploded
with a yield at 10.4 megatons,
March-June 1953

The Commission conducted Operation
Upshot-Knothole at the Nevada Test
Site, detonating eleven explosions

including shots "Simon" and "Harry."

July 2, 1953

Lewis L. Strauss became new chairman of

August 20, 1953

The Soviet Union detonated a large
fission weapon which burned same

the Atomic Energy Commission.

thermonuclear fuel.

The United States

called the shot Joe 4.

November 28, 1953

U.N. Disarmament Commission created
subcommittee of Five; members were
United States, Soviet Union, Canaca,
France, and Great Britain.

December 8, 1953

President Eisenhower delivered "Atoms

for Peace" speech before the United


January 21, 1954

U.S.S. Nautilus, the first nuclear

powered submarine, launched by the


February 1954

In a Memorandum of Understanding signed

by the Commission, the Public Health

Service accepted responsibility for
monitoring off-site radiation.

March-May 1954

The Cammission conducted Operation
Castle at the Marshall Islands, which
consisted of six tests.

March 1, 1954

"Bravo," the first shot of Castle,
exploded with a force of fifteen

megatons, the largest announced U. S.

nuclear test.

June 29, 1954

The Cammission announced that it denied

Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer access to
restricted data.

Select target paragraph3