July 11, 1950

Gordon E. Dean became chairman of the

Atomic Energy Commission.

July 17, 1950

Julius Rosenberg was arrested by the
FBI and charged with conspiracy to
commit espionage. His wife Ethel was
arrested in August. On June 19, 1953
they were executed.

October 9, 1950

President Truman approved an expansion
of Commission facilities which produced
uranium and plutonium for nuclear

November 26, 1950
December 16, 1950

Chinese troops entered: the fighting in


President Truman declared a Naticnal
-Emergency due to the fighting in Korea.

December 18, 1950

President Truman approved the Ccmmission's recommendation to establish a
continental proving ground.

Jamuary-February 1951

Operation Ranger, the first continental

nuclear test series conducted at the

Nevada Proving Ground, now called

Nevada Test Site, 60 miles north of Las

Vegas, Nevada.
pril-May 1951

The Commission conducted Operation
Greenhouse at Enewetak, detonating four

October-November 1951

Jamary 11, 1952
. January 16, 1952

Five shots were fired.



The Commission conducted Operation

Buster-Jangle at the Nevada Test Site,
which consisted of seven tests.
United Nations Disarmament Commission

The National Security Council approved
second major expansion of the

Commission's nuclear production

Aprii-June 1952

June 1952

The Commission conducted Operation

Tumbler-Snapper at the Nevada Test
Site, detonating eight nuclear tests.

University of California's Live=more

Laboratory, now Lawrence Livermmre

National Laboratory, established by the

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