June-July 1946

The Manhattan Engineer District
conducted Operation Crossroads,
detonating two shots in the Bikini
Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

August 1, 1946

Atamic Energy Act signed by President
Truman established the Atomic Energy
Commission and transferred the Amny's
Manhattan Engineer District atomic
programs and facilities to the five

member carmission.
January 1, 1947

Atomic Energy Commission, officially
began operation under Chaimman David E.

March 12, 1947

President Truman proposed U. S. aid to

Greece and Turkey, (the Truman

Doctrine) .
June 5, 1947

Plan for econamic aid to Europe
proposed by Secretary of State George

Marshall, later called the "Marshall


April-May 1948

The Commission conducted Operation

February 1948

A camminist coup in Czechoslovakia took

June 23, 1948 .

Berlin Blockade declared by the Soviet
Union; lifted in May 1949,

August 29, 1949

Sandstone, firing three shots on
Enewetak in the Marshall Islands.
control of the government.

Soviet Union detonated its first atomic
device. President Truman announced it

on September 23.

September 30, 1949
January 31, 1950
February 2, 1950

Communist Mao Tse-Tung establishec <he
Peoples Republic of China.

President Truman announced procram to

develop the thermonuclear bomb.

Klaus Fuchs, British atomic sclent:st,
confessed to British investigators <nat
he betrayed secrets of the atamic bar
project to the Soviet Union.

June 25, 1950

North Korean troops invaded South
Korea, starting the Korean War.

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