
January 1939

German scientists Hahn and Strassmann
published results of their 1938
experiments with which they discovered
the fission process.

September 1, 1939

Nazi Germany invaded Poland; World War

December 7 & 15, 1941

United States entered war with Japan
and Germany, respectively.

August 13, 1942

Manhattan Engineer District established
to produce nuclear weapons.

December 2, 1942

II began.

Physicists under direction of Enrico

Fermi at the University of Chicago's
Metallurgical Laboratory created the

first controlled, self-sustaining

nuclear chain reaction.
March 15, 1943

Weapon laboratory established at Los

July 16, 1945

First atomic bomb, Trinity, detcnatec
at Alamogordo, New Mexico by the

Alamos, New Mexico. Now called ics
Alamos National Laboratory.

Manhattan Engineer District.
August 6, 1945
August 9, 1945

First atomic bomb "Little Boy" cxcrpec
on Hiroshima, Japan.

Second atomic bomb "Fat Man" detcrated

over Nagasaki, Japan.

August 14, 1945

The government of Imperial Japan
accepted the Potsdam Declaration anc

January 26, 1946

The United Nations General Assemsly in
London established the United Nations

Atomic Energy Commission.
June 14, 1946

Bernard Baruch, U. S.- delegate to tne
U.N. Atomic Energy Cammission proocsed
a plan to outlaw the manufacture cr
atomic bombs, dismantle those alreacy
existing, and share atomic ener7,
secrets with other nations. (‘Tre Soviet


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