August 30, 1954

President Eisenhower signed the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954, a major revision of

the 1946 Act, which gave added emphasis
to development of peacetime uses of
atomic energy, and encouraged private
and public groups to build, own, and

operate power reactors,
February-May 1955

The Commission conducted Operation

February 15, 1955

"A Report by the United States Atcmic
Energy Commission on the Effects of
High Yield Nuclear Explosions" was

April 15, 1955

Joint Committee on Atomic Energy held |
hearings on health and safety problems
associated with atmospheric nuclear

May 14, 1955

Teapot at the Nevada Test Site,
detonating fourteen tests.

The Commission and the Department of

Defense conducted Operation Wigwam, an
underwater nuclear test 500 mules
southwest of San Diego, California.

July 21, 1955

President Eisenhower proposed an "Open

Skies" policy of mitual aeria>

inspection during a summit conference
held in Geneva, Switzerland between the .

United States, Great Britain, France,

and the Soviet Union. —

August 8-20, 1955

The United States participated in the
first International Conference on the

Peaceful Uses of Atamic Energy, in

| Geneva, Switzerland.

May-July 1956

The Commission conducted Operation

Redwing at the Marshall Islands, firing
seventeen muclear test shots, including

the first airdrop of a U. S.
thermonuclear weapon.

July 26, 1956

Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal which
provoked the "Suez Crisis" and an

attack on Egypt by Israel, Great
Britain, and France, October 29November 6.
November 4, 1956

Soviet Union crushed demonstrations in



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