Monthly status Report, May1981

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Biology and Medicine

Loan of Radiation Detection Instruments
Loans of instruments for state or local civil defense training were
made to South Dakota, Maine, and the City of Tacoma, Washington, during
the month.

Report on Radiation Protection Criteria

At the request of Mr. William L. Borden, Executive Director of the
Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy, a report was prepared

explaining the activities of the Division of Biology and Medicine in the
control of radiation hazards in AEC operations, ite efforts to reduce the
costs of radiation protection whersver possible, and its philosophy in
maintaining a high level of protection. In particular, the report pointed
out that present AEC policies have resulted in a very low radiation injury

rate, emall need for extra-hazard pay to labor, normal insurance rates

for most workers, and ready psychological acceptance of.atomic energy

developmental activities by woriers and the general populace alike.


of the unexpectedly hich hazard due to neutrons, wd because of genetic
effects not yet fully evaluated, the Division does not presently feel
justified in recommending any relaxation of ites present criteria for
radiation health protection.

Feasibility Studies on the Proposed Continental Underground Tests
A member of the Biophysics Branch staff actively participated in the
study of the feasibility of carrying out a proposed underground atomic
test in the continental United States. Activities in this connection

have included (1) working with AFSWP in preparing calculationg as a
preliminary study; (2) reviewing the results of these calculations for
members of the Commission and for the General Advisory Committees amt (3)

participating as a member of the Ad Hoc Panel which recommended the
criteria under which such a test might be safely carried out. This Panel,
consisting of five consulting specialists, ami members of the APSHP, AEC,
Los Alamos and Sandia staffa, recommenied thet a preliminary shot be
carried out at a depth aufficieant to render the hasard negligible, yet
such that observations could be made on which to base approval of nore
shallow shots. Criteria of safety were analyzed and recommended. Minutes
of the meting, including additional caleulations, were prepared by the
Biophysics Branch.




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