Biology aml Medicine

Monthly Status Report,

variables behave more or less similarly showing a decrease with increasing
X-ray dosage. These variables are total eges laid, total days on which
eggs were produced, three-day hizhest egg yield, percent of life female
produced eggs, three-day highest hatchability, percent af eggs fertilized,
and parcent of lifes when males were fertile. Two variables, days of life
for males and for females failed to show a significant trend with increasing
dosage «

A pilot experiment with mice is now in progress and the Drosophila

experiments are being continued. Plans for this project have been
expanded to include study of the effects of chronic gamas exposure upon
physiological processes and longevity of mica.

In a mamuscript to te submitted for publication in the American
Dr. Bruce Wallace summarizes the first two years! results
In the study of drosophila populationa exposed to acute and chronic

ionising radiation.

The rates of accumlation of lethal, semi-lethal

and sub-vital mtations are presented,

A consideration of the frequencies

of lethals, semi-lethals and sub-vitals within the populations and of

estimatea of the adaptive values of the populations suggests that
hetterotic cene combinations have been developed within some of these
populations. These results have an important bearing on the estination
of damage to populations resulting in rene mitationg.

Civil Defense

Personnel Shelters for AEC Installations

_ Discussions were held with a representative of Armeo Drainage ani
Metal Products, Inc. om underground shelter possibilities. Plans and
costs for an acceptable structure have been secured from the company.

FCDA Test Exercise

Members of the Branch have participated in conferences with repre-

gentetives of the FCDA and other interested ageneles on the proposed FCDA
test to determine the effects of an atomic bomb on structures amd shelters.
Desieon Criteria for New AEC Construction

Work 1s continuing, in cooperation with the reaponsible progran
divisions, on design standards for protective construction in connection
with new plants and facilities.
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