Monthly status Report,

Biology and Medicine

A member of the Biophysics Sranch was assigned to the National
Bureau of Standards Group on the Greenhouse Test and assisted them in
their "Radiation dosage as a function of distance measurements", Final
results of this work will appear in the Bureau of Stamards Greenhouse

(Radiation Instruments)
Fiftcen types of ‘EC sponsored or developed instruments were tested

through Project 5.1 at Operation Greenhouse. The integrating type

instruments included in ths program were tested by flying them through

the atomic cloud in drone planes and by subjecting them, in blast proof

housings, to ths prompt radiation. Ths dose rate type
te ware
tested under field conditions by carrying them into the ¢ontaminated

area and comparing the readingswith those obtained similtaneously by
the radiological monitors. It is felt that the tests were highly
successful and will yleld valuable information with which to guide future

development of instruments. The initial work leading to production
engineering contractea for two Oak Ridge National Laboratory-—developed

instruments has been completed.

It is contemplated that a neutron survey

mater and an alpha proportional counter will be carried through the
production enginesring pheses, resulting in the production of 20 proto~
types of each instruvent.

Blological Effects of Radiaticn

While the main efforts during the first eight montha of the project
on Biological Effects of Radiation under the direction of Dr. John #.
Gowan at Towa State Collece have been devoted to planning expanded and
remodeled facilities and to expanding the breeding colony of mice to the
mumbers that will ultimately be required, some significant results have
been obtained from pilot experiments with Drosophila.
Male and female drosophila were exposed to seven different doses of

100 KV X~rays ranging from QO to 1,000 r. Fair matings were made in all
possible combinations with three replications making 147 pairs in all.
Twenty-six different criteria were used to meagure the physiological
effects of the radiation.
In his progress report, Dr. Gowen presents graphs showing the
relation of nine of the criteria to k-ray dosage. Seven of the nine





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