Monthly Status Report, Uay 1951

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Blology and -ledicine


Visits to ‘SO Sesearch Projects
A visit wag made to lound Laboratory where vr. avis 3. Anthony
has recently been appointed virector of the biological program, including

radiation protection (hcalth physics), waste disposal ana biolo~ical

fNadilation protection is adequately provided through a s:stem

of closed cells and dry—boxes in which chemical precessing and
fabrication is carried out. ‘Scrupulous care ot corridors, use of

clothing change rooms between “hot" and "cold" areas, personnel monitoring
and a regular bioassay schedule serve to keep personnel exposure to
a minimin difficult processing areas. Continuous monitoring and

chemical engineering studics are improving the waste disposal record.

The biology laboratorics are being rearranged to permit work on a new

program to study the effects of actinium on living organisms ~ looking

toward possible large-scale use of this element in AEC operations,

Visits ware made to the biophysics and biology laboratorius of ANL

in connection with attendance at the bio-medical Laboratory Directors!

Meeting which was held there on Hay 28-29. In connection with the saue
meeting, the AbCe-supported project at the University of Chicago Instisute
of Biophysics and Jadiobiolocy was inspected. These facilities arc being
used by Dr. 8. i. Zirkle to study the effects of 2emillion-volt protons

on individual structures in living cells by means of his "micro-beam"
technique. “hen perfected, this technique promises to solve nany
qu:stions as so call sensitivity and relative biolocical offectivencss
of various radiations.

Miscellaneous Confcrsences

The 2lophysics Branchwas recresented in a number of conrerences and
Several discussions have been held with representatives of the
Uivision or military Application and ths rederal Civil Jefensa Agency
rerpariing the role that the AGG will undertake in the propoged Civil

Yefense Atomic Bomb test. As intersdepartmental committee, including
a member of this Dranch, will further study this role, togetier with ths

necessary plans for radiolorical safety.

A discussion with Captain Tinant of Joint Task Force 131 indicated
that a residual group of about 30 radiolosical monitors msy be available
for use in projected continental tests. Use of this group would greatly
lessen the demand on sbC installations to furnish temporary assistance
at these tests.




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