Dr. Sterling Emerson from the California Institute of Technology has taken
over the genetics program, replacing Dr. Karl Green who has returned to
Ohio State University to resume his duties in teaching genetics.

Genetics Program = Dr. Pearson reviewed the discussions by the Committee
at the meeting held in Oak Ridge in May 1955 when they had given consideration to expanding the genetics program particularly as related

to population genetics.

It was suggested at that time that an Ad Hoc

Committee be appointed to study the program and to report to the

Director of the Division as to what phases of the program should be
Dr. Pearson reported that an outstanding group of geneticists had been
appointed to make this survey and that they will assemble the latter
part of October at the Atomic Energy Commission in Washington, De Ce

The Committee consists of;
Dre He Bentley Glass ~ Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Curt Stern = University of California (Berkeley)

George Beadle = California Institute of Technology
Earl Green -- Ohio State University
James Neel - University of Michigan
W. L. Russell = Oak Ridge National Laboratory

It was pointed out that on the initiative of the United Kingdom a genetics
conference is to be held at Harwell on September 19 and 20, 1955, which
will be attended not only by representatives from Canada, the United
Kingdom and the United States, but also from one or two other countries,
probably Sweden and Norway.
One of the objectives of this conference is to see just what segments of
the genetics program may be carried on by the Ue Ke and other countries,
and then what segments might be carried on in this country.

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