Atomic Bomb

Dr. Bugher oriented the Committee on the recent activities

of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission.

He said that the

program was receiving more international attention than had been the case

in the past.

In Geneva, at the International Conference on Peacetime

Uses of Atomic Energy it was mentioned by various people, particularly
in regard to the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission genetics studiese
The Chairman inquired, "what has happened to the plan for a medical
reactor program for Japan"?

Dr. Bugher replied that he had asked the

Rockefeller Foundation in Japan to make astudy of medical education
from the standpoint of possibilities of increasing support for the medical
school at Hiroshima.

The Foundation came to the conclusion that the

support to medical schools should be in Tokyo where the two outstanding

schools are located.

Alse, the Japanese Science Council expressed

over building up the Hiroshima Medical College~~of building

a center for medical education and research and of amalgamating various
facilities of the school with facilities of tne ABCC.
Dr. Bugher explained further that another factor in this rather complicated
picture is the interest by the Episcopal Church in possibly making a gift
of a reactor to Saint Lukes Hospital in Japan.

Dr. Failla propounded the

questions of "How does the medicai profession feel about this situation
in Japan?

Are they in favor of having the reactor at Hiroshima or Tokyo?"

A report on the subject matter will be made at a later date.
Radiological Thesis = Dr. Hardin Jones, of the Donner Laboratory, University
of California presented a thesis on the radiation probiem as it may affect

He maintains that the aging process in humans may be

accelerated generally in proportion to the disease incidence experienced


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