Friday, September 9, 1955
9200 AoMe

The Advisory Committee for Biology and Medicine concerned itself on Friday
morning with studying research proposals, reviewing staff papers and
material relating to the biological and medical program of the Division
of Biology and Medicine.

1230 P.M.
The Chairman convened the meeting on Friday afternoon at 1:30 P.M. with
all members present.
Dr. Failla asked Dr. Bugher to present Dr. He Bentley Glass of Johns
Hopkins University who had been asked to serve as a member of the Committee,

to replace Dr. Curt Stern whose term of office had expired in June, 1955.
Dr. Bugher stated that Dr. Glass is well known to all geneticists throughout
the United States and other countries and that the consistent interest and
concern shown on the part of the Advisory Committee has been reflected in
the fact that an outstanding geneticist has always been a member of the
Advisory Committee since its inception.
Dr. Bugher then introduced Dr. Shilling who had joined the Division in July,
as Special Assistant to the Director.

He. noted that Dr. Shilling had years

of experience in the organization of the biomedical activities of the Office
of Naval Research and that his association with the Bureau of Medicine and
Surgery had given him an extensive background of research and of research

The Committee expressed great satisfaction at this

fortunate addition to the staff.
Dr. Bugher told of the changes that had occurred in the Biology Branch.

Dre John Wolfe of Ohio State University who has been teaching courses in
plant ecology has joined the Branch to further the program in ecology.

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