Oneratien Plan

CTG 7.3 No. 1-53

the yecessity for decontaminatien,

The interier ef the ship is presetived

in its "clean" status by setting ef the apprepriate damege contrel cendition

ef readiness ta seal the ship's envelope.


Sheuld the abeve method fail te prevent centaminatien, decent .rmina~

tien suits shall be wern te protect the damage contrel parties who must work
en the contaminated sectiens of the ship. In the use of water after the

ship has been expesed to centamination, special techniques are required to
centrel the centaminating spray resulting from hesing operations. If
passible, the hesing of an ebject should be carried en frem the upwind side
se that the spray will net drift back on the eper>ters. The most satisfrecterr
opersting pesition is from 15 to 20 feet from the surface.

On vertical sur-

faces, the water should be directed te strike the surfsce at an angle of 30

te 45 degrees.

The cemplicatien of a brisk wind can be partially offset by

using a wind-break,

For hosing down large centaminated areas, a rate ef

appreximately 4 square feet per minute should be used,

Svecial attention

must be given to the drainage from these eperations to allew direct flew to
disposal points ever the side.
c. Hesing is net the complete answer to decontamination; scrubbing
techniques may have to be used.
d. Weoden surfaces, if contaminated, can be decontaminated as outlined
belew under General Boat Decontrminstion Precedures,.

General Beat Decontamination Precedures,.

a. If boet exterior, i.e, painted surface, is contamineted from passage
threugh contaminated water, hesing dewn and scrubbing if necessary should be
sufficient te reduee any contamination te well below prescribed tolerances.

If boat is water-herne, drainage frem hesing down should present no problem,

Dispersal of radieactive products in the lagoons is anticipated te be
sufficient te prevent recontaminatien of other beats.

If interler ef beat

is contaminated, hesing dewn and pumping out ever the side should suffice.
Hewever, repeated use ef this method can concentrate some contamination in

the bilge pump system which is not desirable, and this pump should be

especially monitered.

be. Contaminatien can be intreduced inte beats by contaminated passengers
radieactive "fall-out" from atomic burst, er seepage of centaminated water
inte bilges. It is considered most likely that any majer contamination in t.hoats will ceme fyem contamination on passengers and from sand unintentiesall
braugh on board from contaminated beaches,

readily decentaminable as described sbove.

Uspainted woed will not bs as

Any contaminetien should be

Select target paragraph3