Cperstien Plan
CTG 7.3 No. 1-53

relatively light.

If relatively light and too resistant te normal hesing

down, scrubbing amd scraping, fellowed by a coating ef shellac, varnish

er paint will usually effectively shield out alnha and beta radiation and

seal it in until radicactive

health hazard,

decay cempletes the precess cf remeval ef any

It is planned that all boat decontaminaticn will be dcne

in an open sea area (ocean er lagoon) where water dispcsal frem low order

ef contemin-ticn and drainage is no preblem.


Ceneral Personnel Decentsminetien Precedures.

a. At the completion ef decontamination operaticns on shipboard,
persennel cencerned should be monitered on the spet - then shed outer

(pretective) clothing, gleves, booties, etc., disvosing ef same into

covered centainers.

Persennel then are monitered end if necessary sent

to a personnel decentaminstien center.

_ para. 12a)

(See Awendix I ef this Annex,

Ships damage contrel directives usually state that a "decen-

tamination head" shall have an entrance from the weather deck, and a clean
exit inside the ship. Te prevent centamination from getting inside the ship,
it is recommended that a temporary "change house" be installed on the
weather deck, This could censist of a simple shewer arrangement which
drains ever the side. A stage ever the side could accomplish this, with
some provision fer storing contaminated clothing.
b, Personnel upon completion ef their duties in a contaminated area
will be required to utilize the facilities within a "change house" (equivalent te'a persennel decontaminatien head), It should be organized end
operate in such a way thet it ensures:

(1) Monitoring of suspected contamineted persennel at "change
house" ENTRINCE.


Advising each person as te degree of contamination andi spets

more highly contaminated than others, paying special attention to soles ef
shees, hands and hair.


Instruction of inceming personnel where centaminated clothing -

should: be dispesed ef,

This clothing may require laundering er, as a result

ef decay ef radicactive contamination, it may be pessible to re-use it
after a period of time witheut laundering,


Menitoring ef personnel with and without clothing.

Select target paragraph3