ration Plan


The decentaminatien ares should be clearly marked end roped


Every effort shall be made to prevent the cont-minction of


Provision should be made fer dispesal ef contaminated items


All material leaving the decontamination area shall be

aff in seme manner.

the ship in the decontaminetion area, «A dispesable waterproof c*nv~s deck
cover with chutes te clear water ever the side might be used for this purpose.
in the decontamination area.


(g) Decontamination cperstions shall be interrupted intermittently for menitoring of aircraft to determine effectiveness. “ork

periods should be calculated after intensity levels are measured.


Decontamiration eperatiens should centinue until the level

ef intensity drops te whet is considered the voint ef diminishing returns.

In the case of helicovters, every effort shall be made te maintain maximum

decontaminetien since these aircraft vrobably will be required to make repeated flights inte contaminated areas. Due consideration should be givm~

to maintaining helicopter operations and further mafntaining meximum number

ef "clean" helicopters, bearing in mind thet personnel are allowed only 3.9R

for the eper-tien,


Approximately 40% ef original contamination should be re-


Where metal parts are contaminated end there is danger of


If initiel contamination is driven into paint, apply a

moved by the first application of cleening solution end flushing and
approximately 10% by the second application; further applicatiens are of ~
dubieus value.

damaging adjacent items ef porous material, such as fzbric, scrubbing with
cleaning solutien is effective.

solutien containing 5 peunds lye, 5 peunds boiler compound, 1 pound starch

and 10 gallons of water and serub with wire brush or scrape tw remeve all


Apply cleaning solution and flush thoroughly with water.


General Ship Decentamination Precedures.

a. Spreying ef the tepside prior to and during umavcidable exposure of
ship to radleactive particles in the fall-out area will probably eliminate


Select target paragraph3