eration Plan

CTG 7.3 Ne, 1-53

Generel Airersft Decontemination Precedures,

The flight of an aircraft through an etomic cleud or its "fell-cut"

peses a preblem which contains many unpredictable fectors, i.e., type of
aircraft, pressurizing, if ny, type cf ducting fer cockpit end engine oil

cooler location, jet, turbo-jet, or propeller driven, etc.

b. After it has been detormined through monitering th-t decentaminatien
is necessary, aircraft will be decontaminated at a shore fecility at

ENIVETOK or BIKINI or on boerd the CVE, as circumstances indicate,.

(1) Decontamination Operations on Board a Carrier (General Criteria).
In decontamineting aircreft on beard a carrier, the fellowing fectors should

be stressed:

(a) Area should be well isolated from persennel living spaces,
vert ilater intakes, etc.
the vessel,



A clear watershed to the sea to prevent centaminetion of


Air circuletien.


Decontamination Oper-tions Aboard a Carrier (Specific).

(a) Decontaminatien personnel shall be in decontaminetion suits.
Decontaminetien suits shall ordinarily include the fellowing:

Gloves, electricians

Mask, half, filter pad

Overshoes, rubber N-1

Cap, Marine Utility

Stock No.


G37-C-2570 (Or equivalent)


73~C~59100 threugh 59104

This decontamination suit provides pretection from centamination, and for avoiding heat prostration is much mere satisfactory than
& waterproef suit.

Decontamination persennel shall be restricted te the

immediate area surrounding the contaminated aircraft. Suppert personnel are
in the "clean" background area to manipulate equipment to the decentaminatien

Select target paragraph3