BMATe Geant” TaskForceSEVBI
Bre eS task Group 76300 2,

we Washington 25, De Ce °...









? Pacenber (1953, 12%0R





Appendix III te Annex G


Decontaminaticn Procedures

Radioactive contamination will very probably at some time

¢: during Oseratien CASTLE render en essential area or piece of equipment

-..). temporarily unusable.

reduce the hazard to eperaticnal levels,




Definitions (Ref. NavMed P~1325)

Operational Clearance implies that radioactive contamination

‘exists and that special eperating precedures are required, - Commander, Task ».

. Group 7.3 is responsible for authori aing operetional clearances.





Final Clearences Following the completion of decontaninetion,

or if a ship has not been contaminated, Commander Task Group 7.3 may.aut he...
oyize final clearance for a particular’ ship or unit.. This shall apply,-..~

also, te final clearance on the decentamination ofall forms ef equipment, ~.'
- instruments, furniture, end personal items. Final’‘clearance shall imply ~
* that the area or ebject. concerned has been monitored and found te have ne™::

““peint. exceeding 0.015R/24, hr beta plus gamma and no detectableialpha. emitting

‘isotopes, In the event that a unit ef-the taskgroup has some areaor. + 47":
“material, at the conclusionef Operaticn. CASTLE, which has net ylelded to.
| decontamination, this uni may be released to its type commander, “under, -

Lewe“operational clearances ~ allay 2


wt Chole


(3) It sheula be ‘pamembered that radieactive: fission preducts decay

*"as, time passes, the most rapid decay taking place within the first few hours.

“after detenstions To we GePABes,see| NRadtolegical IDefense”, VoL i. a

PP meenienea c


te most: of:‘the:“decontamination operations which wlght’be re~
of,Task Grotip. 7.3,.fresh and/or salt water sprayed under pressure -?
used’ for gross. decontaminatien<.:-Ordinarily, salt water. should Bet

Cbecaied. on aircrafte;:Other: reagents which are used where water is “inappre—

priate er inadeouate arer’ Standard Cleaner, USN C-152, er .147,.5-10% sodfum
‘eitrate sclutien er USAF cleaning cempeund Spec.” 20036 (gunk), kerosene and‘soap powders,

Cleaners with an oil carrier are especially suitable fer alr

_ oratt decontamination. ee



Jn such a situation, the reduction of such radioactive

a contamination may be mandatory to successful accomplishment of the eperation.
2. *) Decontamination ef units and personnel shall be accomplished on the site te

Select target paragraph3