
That statement, as you will note, referred to all tests of a’
types of nuclear weapons to date,

If we refer only to the current

tests being conducted at the Nevada site we must speak -- not of
roentgens or even 1/10 of a roentgen ~-- but of milliroentgens,
or a thousandth of a roentgen,
During the Nevada test series the radiation exposure from
fallout, outside the actual testing area, has been well below
the level that would constitute any actual hazard, either immediate
or long range,

to exposed individuals,

Generally speaking the exposure experienced by the American
people from the current Nevada tests has been less than the
radiation they normally receive every few days from natural sources
The Commission's February 15 report recognized that a wide

range of opinion exists in regard to the long range genetic effects
which radiation exposure might have upon future generations,
The report pointed out that conelusive data are not available on

which to base an uncontrovertible forecast and that the Commission
would pursue its studies and continue to report the results to the
American people,

Both before and after publication of the February 15th report
discussion and speculation occurred on this subject in this

country and abroad, some by competent scientific authorities in


Select target paragraph3