the field of genetics, some by persons who have engaged in recklesi
and alarming predictions based on assumptions which go far beyond
present scientific knowledge,

The Atomic Energy Commission has sponsored extensive
research in the field of radiation genetics for several years and
will continue this necessary research,

It supports about 1/3 of

all federally supported genetic research carried on in the
United States, and in addition, is carrying on extensive research
in its own laboratories,

It is spending approximately 1.5 million

dollars a year on such studies.

1950 the Commission's expenditures on the program of

its Division of Biology and Medicine has totaled more than 100
million dollars, about 1/2 of which has gone into research on the
effects of atomic radiation on living organisms,

including genetic


Within recent days the importance of such studies has been
emphasized by the announcement and the National Academy of Sciences
will undertake a broad appraisal of the effects of atomic radiatio:
with financlal support of the Rockefeller Foundation,

This study

is a very timely undertaking and will be carried on with full
cooperation of the Atomic Energy Commission,

The Commission stand:

ready to facilitate in every way this project and will make
available to the National Academy of Sciences the data which it hae




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