Radioactive fallout from the Nevada tests also is minimized
by the manner in which the shots are fired,

Most of the Nevada

explosions occur well above the surface of the earth, with the
result that only small amounts of earth are sucked up into the

This is accomplished by exploding the devices atop towers

as high as 500 feet or dropping them from planes,

As the basis of its safety criteria for all Nevada tests

the Commission uses an "operational guide” of radioactivity
which is extremely conservative and far below the actual limit of
As was stated in the Commission's February 15 report:

"In general, the total amount of radiation
received by residents of the United States
from a nuclear detonation to date, including
che Russian and British tests and ail of our
own tests in the United States and the Pacific,
has been about one-tenth of one roentren,.

This is only about 1/100th of the average
radiation exposure inevitably received from
natural causes by a person during his or her

reproductive lifetime,

It is about the same

as the exposure received from one chest xeray."

- 7 7,



Select target paragraph3