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and directions at various altitudes as well as the intensity
and location of fallout have steadily improved since the first
Nevada tests in 1951.
There has been concern and speculation in some quarters

lest the Nevada atomic tests should affect weather conditions,
Representatives of the Weather Bureau and advisers of the

Atomic Energy Commission are here and prepared to discuss this
phase of the subject.

Therefore in this introductory state-

ment I shall limit myself to saying that the Commission has
worked in close cooperation with the Weather Bureau and there are
no existing data which suggest that our weapons testing program
has influenced weather conditions in any way.
The American

people can be assured that the extreme

safeguards which govern these tests are desigred to prevent injury to the people of any community or city from fallout.


Commission has an extensive network of monitoring stations in
areas near the test site and throughout the United States and
is able to measure the levels of radioactivity with sensitive

Daily advices are received from more than 100 of these

radiation detection installations

operated by the Commission,

the Weather Bureau, and the Public Health Service,

Select target paragraph3