In this connection it is worth noting that radiation
above normal background levels sometimes has been detected
when no atomic tests have occurred.

This is due to "cosmic

showers," those periodic phenomena of nature which have been
occurring for years without any apparent danger to the human

While it is true that there are radioactive particles in
bomb clouds produced by the Nevada tests,

this does not mean

that dangerous radioactivity 1s scattered over off-site areas,
In the first place, the quantities of radioactive particles
in these clouds are not comparable to those produced by an

H-bomb explosion, and secondly, the bulk of the particles lose
most of thelr radioactive strength within a matter of hours,
Rigid precautions are taken to hold the fallout from
Nevada test shots to an absolute minimum.

Tests are conducted

only when weather conditions are suitable, thereby explaining
the frequent postponements

in the current series.


weather conditions cre selected in order to minimize the fallout
and off-site blast effects.

Methods of forecasting wind speeds

Select target paragraph3