Many of the weapons tested in Nevada are tactical devices, designed for use by the armed services against comparatively small restricted targets.
In facet,

it would take 10,000 of the smallest of these

Nevada devices to produce explosive energy equal to that of the
Bikini H-bomb, the effects of which were described in the Commission's February 15th report,

Since the first tests were conducted at the Nevada site in

1951 more than 40 of these smaller atomic devices have been exploded,

So far as I am aware, no person off-site has ever been injured as a result of these tests,

Tne Commission's staff has reported on the basis of its
nationwide monitoring, that the radioactive fallout from the
Nevada tests, even in communities nearby the site, has never in
any instance approached a level which is hazardous to health.
The fallout experienced by most American cities has barely
added to the level of nature's normal background radiation
which is always present in the soil, water and air,

Select target paragraph3